HAI Hacken Token listed October 20, 2021 12:00

HAI pairs

USDT_HAI on Kucoin


price 0.034510000
EMA200 (1h) 0.036269577
RSI7 (15m) 29.26
change in 5m -0.09%
change in 15m -0.09%
change in 30m -0.09%
change in 1h -0.23%
change in 24h +3.45%
volatility 24h 6.81%
volatility week 18.14%
volatility month 10.84%
volume 1,431,192.00
usd-volume (24h) 72,160.00 $
btc-volume (24h) 0.7440 BTC

data provided by tradingview & coingecko


deal-count 24 hours 1 deal
deal-sum 24 hours +2.44 $
deal-count 3 days 1 deal
deal-sum 3 days +2.44 $
deal-count 7 days 1 deal
deal-sum 7 days +2.44 $

data provided by 3c-tools


no qfl-signals in the last 30 days for USDT_HAI

chart and analysis provided by tradingview